8x1 blue transmissive character lcd-01

Character LCD Module

HXJ LCD have been widely applied in various industries, such as financial POS machine, industrial automation,medical equipment and medical beauty equipment, communications, home appliances, smart wearable device, electronics instrumentation, energy, electrical power, transportation and many other applications.
Picture Model No. Display Format Display Format Model No. Outline Dimension(mm) Viewing Area(mm) Active Area(mm) IC Screen Color
lcd module 2×16 datasheet HSM1602F-1
16×2 lcd display hd44780 compatible HSM1602E
16×2 lcd module low power 1602 HSM1602D
16×2 lcd module with top pin and bottom pin HSM1602C-1
16×2 lcd display module for arduino HSM1602C
16×2 Big character lcd module HSM1602B
lcd 16×2 for radio HSM1602A-8
lcd module 1602A HSM1602A-6
Big 16×1 lcd display module 1601 Character LCD Display HSM1601B
8×2 blue negative small lcd module HSM0802C-1
Blue color character 16×1 LCD display module HSM1601A-6
HSM0802B lcd display module 2×8 HSM0802B 8x2 HSM0802B 58 x 32 x13.8 mm 38 x 16 mm  AIP31066 Yellow-Green/Blue/Gray